Throughout this first quarter, I have learned many new things about the skills, art elements and creative ideas needed to succeed in this ceramics class. Being my third semester in ceramics I already had basic skills needed to make the most basics projects but already I have progressed and been bake to make better projects. 
Skills that I have improved on or learned in this quarter are using the blue ribbed tool to create wider projects, using different techniques for pulling up walls, and shaping different types of projects. When using the blue ribbed tool I learned how to use the shape of it to actually shape the project pushing the walls out. I experimented with different ways of pulling up walls and found that using my knuckle instead of two fingers made it easier and I was able to pull the walls thinner than I had before. Lastly, I learned the skill of shaping projects specifically vases creating three different widths throughout the project.
Art elements that I have consistently used throughout this quarter were value and color. They go hand in hand in some of my projects which is helpful in making my projects look better. Value is shown through the lightness and darkness of the glaze for example using black compared to white. In other words it is a way to show contrast. The other element I used during this quarter was color. Messing around with the glazes I did a lot and I was able to find complimentary color that worked together.
By experimenting with several different skills and elements I found creative ideas that I will use in the future. For example sponging on glaze when glazing or bending the walls of projects. 
I have out in a lot of good effort into this quarter so far which has resulted in many different projects. I am able to socialize while getting things done. For example making things on the wheel while talking to people around me. Next quarter I will concentrate more on my theme projects and narrowing down my ideas for that.

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